Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Ubuntu vs. Freespire

First there was Lindows, the Linux that was going to be worth our cold, hard cash because it was going to run all our Windows apps. That idea didn't exactly pan out--and neither did the Lindows name. Then came Linspire, the latest version of which wasn't very inspiring at all.

But enough of what happened on previous seasons of the Linspire show. The new season began with a bang on August 9, when the Linspire folks released Freespire 1.0, a no-cost offering that seems a direct response to other freely distributed Linuxes such as Ubuntu, Red Hat's Fedora, and Novell's openSUSE. The Linspire people believe that Freespire is a cut above, for at least 15 different reasons. In my testing, I found Freespire to be the most compelling release yet from Linspire, but I also came away more appreciative of Ubuntu Linux than ever. For desktop users, Ubuntu has simply become the distribution to beat--and Freespire doesn't rise to the task.

Read the entire article at PCWorld

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